Board of Governors

Local Governing Board

Meet the Governors at Ermine Street Church Academy

Local Governing Board Members

Rob Paddison, Chair, Ex-officio Incumbent,

Governor responsible for RE, SIAMS & Collective Worship

Appointed: October 2018

John Radford, Ex-officio Incumbent

Governor responsible for Health & Safety

Appointed: September 2022

Katie Taylor, vice-chair, Co-opted Governor

Governor responsible for  Quality of Education for EYFS

Appointed: September 2022

Ayellet McDonnell, Ex-officio Headteacher

Appointed: January 2022

New Paragraph

Ronald Ngwa Akuro, Parent Governor 

Governor responsible for Quality of Education and equality, diversity & inclusion

Appointed: October 2023

Rebecca Britton, Co-opted Governor

Governor responsible for Inclusion, SEND, mental health & wellbeing and disadvantaged

Appointed: September 2016

Janet Harris , Clerk to Governors

Appointed: N/A

As Governors, we all delighted to be part of the new and exciting venture that is Ermine Street Church Academy and will be working in partnership with the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and all staff to act as a ‘strategic partner’ to:

·         strive for the highest educational standards and promote best practice;

·         put the welfare and needs of our children at the centre of everything we do;

·         sustain the inclusive Church School ethos of our school and maintain a strong relationship with parents and the local community.

Our Governing Body will meet regularly to monitor and continually improve all aspects of school life including the curriculum, personnel, finance, school policies, resources as well as standards of education and achievement. 

 The core purpose of the School Governing Body is to:

·         Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

·         Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;

·         Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.

We are looking forward to working with the school and you and your children throughout their education at Ermine Street.

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office (01480 276510 or or in person)

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