As a Church school, Christian values underpin our ethos and we actively promote the development of Christian values and citizenship skills, equipping pupils for life in the wider world. Through our PSHE curriculum, our pupils learn that we respect ourselves, each other and our environment. We are responsible for our wonderful world and are stewards to preserve it for future generations.
The program of study for PSHCE is constructed so that over the rolling two-year programme, the children experience a progression of key skills which they build on each year. The children are encouraged to make links, identify trends and expand their knowledge of themselves and the wider world. We develop their understanding via the use of difference sources of information, resources, drama and circle time activities.
The aim of our PSHE Curriculum is to help our pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. As a Church school we are rooted in the love of God and others. We choose to respect and encourage one another and to be responsible citizens in our community and our world. Through PSHE education, we will help pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage many of the critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up and in adulthood.
PSHCE is organised into a two-year rolling programme which is organised into four main areas:
Myself and My Relationships
Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
Economic Wellbeing
These units are arranged across the year groups so that the children to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking in the context of themselves and modern Britain, along with the chance to compare and contrast them with other communities in the wider world. Children are given a lot of information from their teachers but also have the chance to research subjects themselves to gain knowledge from other sources as well as follow lines of enquiry they find personally interesting.
Ermine Street Church Academy
Tel: 01480 276510
Primary Office Contact Person:
Sian Peart & Nicola Baker
School Address:
2 Swynford Road
Alconbury Weald
PE28 4XG
DEMAT Office Address:
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